Main Course
Overnight Muesli Nasi Lemak
By Pari Malar Thoraisingam

30 mins

1 serving

- 1 Cup Yogood Glow Parfait Muesli Nuts and Chia
- 3/4 Cup Water or Coconut Milk, if desired
- Pandan Leaf
- Ginger
- Lemongrass
- 2 Tbsp Coconut oil
1.Boil water with pandan leaf, ginger and lemongrass. Then add in coconut oil. You may not add n coconut if using coconut milk.
2.Strain the stew and add in Yogood Glow Parfait Muesli Nuts and Chia to mix well, then keep in fridge overnight.
3.Reheat with microwave and serve with sambal, egg, anchovies and cucumber the next day.