Parfait Muesli Apricot Oat Loaf
By Pari Malar Thoraisingam

1 hr 10 mins

8-12 servings

- 1 Cup Yogood Glow Parfait Muesli Nuts & Chia
- 1 Cup Rolled Oats
- 1 Cup Oat Bran
- 3/4 Cup Brown Sugar
- 1 1/2 Cup Full Cream Milk
- 1/2 Cup All-Purpose Flour
- 1/2 Cup Butter, melted
- 1/4 Cup Dried Apricot, chopped
- 1/3 Cup Pumpkin Seed
- 3 Tbsp Chia Seed
- 1 Tbsp Vanilla Extracts
- 1 1/2 Tsp Baking Powder
- 1/2 Tsp Baking Soda
- 1/2 Tsp Salt
1.Mix all dry ingredients, dried apricot and seeds into a bowl.
2.Add butter, milk and vanilla extracts into the mixture, then mix well.
3.Grease loaf pan and pour in the mixture.
4.Add Yogood Glow Parfait Muesli Nuts & Chia, rolled oats and pumpkin seed on top for garnishing.
5.Bake it into a preheated oven at 170°C for 50 minutes or cooked.
6.Remove from the pan and brush a layer of butter on top. Served fresh.